Professor or Associate Professor Rural General Practice or Professor of Practice (Rural General Practice)
- Employment Types: 3 positions available as Part-Time options (0.2/0.4/0.6FTE up to a total of 1 FTE)
- Duration of contracts: 3-Year Fixed Term; with option to renew subject to funding.
- Remuneration: $179k – $229k base prorated (+ 17% Super, clinical loading, leave loading)
- Working rights: Full Australian work rights for the duration of the contract are required.
- Campus Locations: UNSW Wagga Wagga or Albury or Port Macquarie or Coffs Harbour, NSW Australia.
Rural Clinical Campuses at UNSW
The Rural Clinical Campuses brings world-class medical education to rural Australia, including the opportunity for students to undertake their full medical program at a rural campus in several locations. The school has campuses across NSW including Albury, Coffs Harbour, Griffith, Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga.
Why this role matters
This position is expected to provide academic leadership and foster excellence in innovative teaching, engagement activities and research in general practice or primary care. The incumbents will actively participate and provide leadership in general practice in rural and regional communities. They will make an independent contribution through professional practice and expertise which expands knowledge or practice in this discipline area. They will also be expected to apply a well-defined teaching philosophy and a critically reflective teaching practice that inspires student learning and cultivates a positive attitude towards teaching. As well as engage and foster a culture of excellence in research and where required, contribute to the delivery of outstanding research relevant to rural health and rural medical workforce.
Some key skills required:
- A medical degree and Fellowship of the RACGP or ACRMM (or comparable international equivalent).
- Registered as a medical practitioner with AHPRA.
- Extensive clinical experience as a rural general practitioner or rural generalist.
- A PhD or other higher degree in a related discipline, and/or relevant work experience.
- Proven commitment to proactively keeping up to date with discipline knowledge and developments.
- Demonstrated experience in teaching and learning design using a range of pedagogical approaches, development and delivery of courses and programs, at undergraduate and/or postgraduate level.
- Experience of implementing educational technologies and online delivery methods.
- Evidence of teaching effectiveness and passion for educational excellence and fostering this in others.
- Demonstrated experience with industry or work-integrated learning.
- Evidence of professional development of teaching practice in self and others with the ability to advance and lead an inclusive culture of excellence in learning and teaching.
Please refer to the position description for full details.
Application instructions:
Please click on THIS LINK to make your application through our website.
Contact for questions about the role
Professor Tara Mackenzie – Associate Dean & Head of School Rural Clinical Schools
Applications close: Sunday 13th April 2025, before 11.30pm AEST.